Supporting Teaching, Learning, Research, and Administrative Computing in the College of Letters & Science


Computer, network, and data security are some of the foremost concerns of the College of Letters & Science. L&S Information Technology Services offer a variety of security services to meet those needs.

L&S Security Consulting

A security consultant is available to all L&S departments, centers, and institutes for:

  • reviewing software solutions and current practices in the College of Letters & Science
  • answering questions about restricted and sensitive data handling
  • providing security presentations for your group or department
  • assisting with digital intrusions and incidents
  • acting as a liaison with the Office of Cybersecurity.

L&S Risk Reviews

Campus policy requires management of risk to UW data. For this reason, the College of Letters & Science requires a risk review for the purchase of products or services that will store or consume UW data. The risk review identifies the type of data involved and looks at some basic risk criteria. The risk review should be completed as part of your product/service evaluation to make sure that there aren’t any security issues. Fill out the review intake form (campus login required) and the security consultant will be in touch.

  • If the risk review shows low risk, a statement of risk is provided to the requestor, L&S Purchasing, and L&S Administration.
  • If the criteria call for a deeper evaluation of the product, a risk assessment is requested from the Office of Cybersecurity. The assessment can take between 2 and 6 weeks to complete.

Campus IT policies

Information about UW-Madison campus IT policies can be found at the Policy Library. L&S IT staff should be familiar with the Information Technology policies in the Policy Library. The following are the top policies that apply to all faculty and staff:

Get Help

If you need assistance with security or policy questions or plans, contact the L&S Information Security Officer, Sue Weier, at

Nathan DeLano

Position title: Cybersecurity Analyst


Phone: 608-262-0515

275B Van Hise Hall

Sue Weier

Position title: L&S Information Security Officer


Phone: 608-262-3004

275A Van Hise Hall